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Print Terms Here! Unit 3 Videos! Prezi on Unit 3 Watch n' learn! get a Haircut Use headphones! Click HERE to test your knowledge of the eye! Click HERE to test your knowledge of the ear! Chapter Summary Sensation is the process by which one detects physical energy from the environment and encodes it as neural signals. Perception is how one recognizes, interprets, and organizes sensations. Sensation involves stimuli, and thresholds for detecting such stimuli. Visual sensation and perception occurs in the rods and cones of the retina, in the pathways through the brain, and in the occipital lobe of the brain. Hearing is detected through the various structures of the ear. Touch, or somatosensation, is detected in the skin and transmitted to the parietal lobe. There are also chemical senses, such as gustation and olfaction. Key Terms Define and Understand! Learning Objectives